
CELIN - Central de Línguas

by Portal ILEEL
Published: 24/05/2019 - 10:51
Last modification: 22/01/2025 - 13:00

UFU's Language Center offers the "Language Center Extension Program". The Program seeks to develop a teaching training laboratory for ILEEL's undergraduate students.

Under the supervision of pedagogical teams led by qualified language professors, ILEEL's undergraduate students are given the opportunity to teach foreign languages (English, French, and Spanish) to CELIN students.

To participate in the Program, undergraduate students go through thorough selection processes. Selected participants can be assigned up to two classes at timeslots compatible with their academic activities. They are continuously mentored by an advising professor from the pedagogical team.








+55 34 3291-8322 R:8322
Campus Santa Mônica - Bloco 1G - Sala 60
Av. João Naves de Ávila - 2121 - Bairro Santa Mônica
Uberlândia - MG